... and chat about my morning.
Now to fully understand we need to rewind to last night. Monday's are our busiest day, lessons and practices just happen to all fall on Monday for all my kids. My grade school kids don't get home till after 8pm, which makes for a late night.
Late nights make for sluggish mornings. Add toddler nightmares and hubby's 4am alarm clock and you have a recipe for a mommy who falls asleep AFTER waking kids up for school.
We missed carpool and got MG to school, only 5 minutes late.
I had taken Nettle (for natural anti-inflammatory properties) on an empty stomach so I was digging through piles of junk all the way to school and back trying to find food. I found TK's shoe, which was a bonus. but no food.
I got home 45 minutes before we were suppose to leave for elementary school drop off. All 4 kids were still asleep.
We rushed through morning chores, partial breakfast, dragging the sleep deprived toddler out of bed, couldn't find a loaf of bread (that was later found on the kitchen counter...weird location right?) so the kids got store brand nutella on graham crackers for lunch.
Remembered school emergency forms, apparently they didn't like the "see siblings card" I wrote on the last one. Attached was a "Do you want your child to attend "age appropriate sex ed" classes....um? let me think about that.
TL refused to let go of his toys (horse, pocket 'knife', book) to get in his car seat, so that was fun. He then noticed the bowl of oatmeal I'd packed to the car, hopeful finally eating would sooth my gut, and demanded, "my Oatmeal!!" he won.
TK's shoes were happy to be reunited.
Had to find a new spot of floor to pile all of PB's school clothes from yesterday, he has to change for practice in the car.
Got BG & PB to school only 3 minutes late, huge improvement over yesterday.
Dropped TK off at preschool.
Discovered a granola bar!! Finally food!!
Granola bar was under 2 overdue library books and a Redbox.
Back tracked across town, returned books.
Located a Redbox.... it was full? (didn't realize that happened)
Returned home.
Started working on to-do list.
TL grabs my hand, walks me to his room, has me sit in rocker. Climbs on my lap, assumes nursing position. "Stinky butt" he says. "Oh, really, you wouldn't be trying to sneak in a nursing session would you?" smiles and squirms..."yeah?"
I smell his butt. Its bad. When did that happen?
Change butt.
TL engages a conversation, once again confusing all his favorite animals.
Goats, Horse, Deer, Moose
We google all 4 and discuss the different features.
To no avail. Deer and Moose are still horses, unless I argue the point, then they become goats.
Arrange pick up for TK
Have a 'snuggle' session with TL
Read a book, It's an Elmer book. He acts scared about finding the hide and seek Elmer, its hysterical. Then we count all the birds that come to watch Elmer shower...anyone else feel a bit invaded?
Convince TL to let me wash the hat he has been wearing for 3 weeks solid while he naps.
Tell him to go to sleep, he squishes his eyes shut.
I start the laundry.
TL walks out of his room, I ignore him, he goes back to bed. Currently yelling "my Hat!" on repeat.... 10 minutes too late.
Anyone else ever wonder why they haven't showered in 3 days?
Whew I'm exhausted just reading this!